Sunday 8 December 2013



When I posted my final project for submission, I felt like being at the peak of  Abraham Maslow’s  hierarchy of needs; needs for  technology.

We have achieved Self-Actualization and Democratic World View through the Building Teaching Skills through the interactive web week 9. 

Through this program we have realized and accepted our potentials in technology and others as they are. We are able to enjoy ourselves and free of guilt of technology ignorance. The program has treated us the same regardless of background, current status, or other socioeconomic and cultural factors. 

Thanks for the technological socialization!!!

This week learning styles and multiple intelligences are the theme for discussion.
Teaching methods vary. Some instructors lecture, others demonstrate or lead learners to self-discovery; some focus on principles and others on applications; some emphasize memory and others understanding.

When mismatches exist between learning styles of most learners in a class and the teaching style of the instructor, the learners may become bored and inattentive in class, do poorly on tests, get discouraged about the courses, the curriculum, and themselves, and in some cases change to other curricula or drop out of school.

I found out that having many learning styles in the class needed determination, focus  and handwork.  To overcome the problems, Instructors should strive for a balance of instructional methods (as opposed to trying to teach each student exclusively according to his or her preferences.) If the balance is achieved, all learners will be taught partly in a manner they prefer, which leads to an increased comfort level and willingness to learn which as a result will promote performance,

After reading the resources Learners have to be the focus of the learning process not the teachers. I like the way  Richard M. Felder differentiates the learning styles based on the characteristics of the learners and environment.
I think I am a  Linguistic Intelligence  type who is   sensitive to the meaning and order of words. I enjoy using  storytelling to explain ideas and to create an interactive and relaxed  atmosphere.

One traditional lesson plan cannot be effectively and efficiently  used  in many classes because each class has specific characteristics accompanied with  the learning styles the learners possessed.

Technology can be used to facilitate learning in each intelligence area. There is no "right way or the method" to integrate intelligences or technology into the classroom as the key to provide the most effective learning environment for learners.

I am recommending the following different intelligence that Howard Gardner has identified. Each type of intelligence is so comprehensively treated that it can cater for all types at all situations and levels.  Learn more about them and the technology tools that support your classroom activities (Teacher Tap Pages.)
I realized that the diverse  methods above with technology in it can be used in the class. They are truly giving new perspectives in preparing lessons for learners autonomy and interactive class.

The choice of the technology tool is dictated by  the learner’s environment and circumstance. As manifested during my project implementation, I realized that the learners have diverse choice and interest with regards to technology tool. Some were interested in Skype and Face book and others were more on the Google search engine.

Next week will be the countdown week ,  as  it will be the last week to complete tasks, but surely not the  last time we will meet again through technology.

Bravo & Good luck to you all!!!

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