Monday, 18 November 2013

Reflection on Schools' Visit during the Coordinating Committee Meeting (CCM)

The Power Of Power Point During The Coordinating Committee Meeting (CCM)

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education(MoBSE) in the Gambia conducts a Coordinating Committee Meeting (CCM) at one of the (selected through a ballot) six Regional Educational Directorates(REDs)  every eight weeks on a schedule. The CCM comprises of Directors, principal Education officers and other Senior Education officers and other stakeholders and partners in Education.
During this meetings all directorates, units and othe partners do a power point presentation of  their updates . 
This is one advantage of power point presentation as the CCM is attended by 200 plus participants including the Minister and the Permanent Secretary as the chairperson.
There are so many activities on the agenda. One fundamental one is the schools’ visit.  The participants are divided into teams and each team has a team leader and  the host cluster monitor of the school. A particular number of schools in the host directorate is selected and shared among the teams.
The teams visits their school and use the Minimum Standard assessment tool to assess the stipulated areas in the school. It is a day’s program and the teams will all converge at their meetings venue and compile their reports in a power point format for presentation the following day.
During the presentation of each team , the school head is present.  The CCM is not a witch hunting exercise but together with partners to evaluate teaching and learning activities in schools  constructively. Some head are rewarded but some are also warned. 
In these presentations by teams, the power of power point cannot be overemphasized.  With the power point I,information is received faster than the speech as the recipient does not only hear but see and start analyzing the moment the slides are presented before the presenter starts the the discussions/lectures.
The power points with  all its designs and animations makes the presentation of ideas more lively, comprehensive  and vivid.
The above power point  presentation was one of the teams  at the CCM schools visits. Some slides could be reduced through an interactive discussions.

For more information, check for CCM School visit report in power point, uploaded on wiki ’’ https:/’’

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